The length of the railway from Miyaneh to Ardabil is 175 km, which is being built in order to connect Ardabil province to the national network of the country and then connect to Pars Abad and the Republic of Azerbaijan. The route starts from the middle station and after
passing parallel to the Qezal Ozen river, it gradually enters from the mountainous areas into the hills and after traveling along the Ardabil-Mehmandoost road, it enters the Ardabil station at base point of 175 km. The part that this consulting engineers are working on is 8 executive sections, 2A and 2B, 2C and 2D, with a length of 20.2 km, which is one of the most inaccessible mountainous of this project and includes twenty-six tunnels and five large bridges. Also, this areas company is in charge of supervising the implementation of the entire 217 m long